Founded in 1969, FIBRATESCO built a plant in Tribiano, where production got its start in 1970. It became the new company’s first name of this other business located in Milan, which had to change premises to face a large production increase.
Before 1969 and during the 1970s, our basic output consisted in non-woven fabric, but before long production stretched to abrasives applied to non-woven fabric as well. In 1980 non-woven fabric output for interlining and others came to an end, on the other hand, reaching full capacity in the production of abrasives, which had started its steady growth in the 1970s. Since 1980 we have also been producing abrasives for industrial use and floor pads.
From 1972 to 1982, thanks to the Norton Inc. USA know-how we improved our technology, becoming one of the best manufacturers of abrasives in the world in the 1980s.
FIBRATESCO can now claim to be at the forefront of technology in the production of several products. FIBRATESCO is High Quality-oriented and customer satisfaction is our number one concern. Through the years, FIBRATESCO has changed and improved technology and production process, reaching outstanding results.
Moreover we can say FIBRATESCO has achieved another important objective: unlike our competitors, we fill our customers’ orders on time, unless due to circumstances beyond our control. Today, FIBRATESCO does business with hundreds of customers operating at both industrial and trading levels in Italy, Europe, Africa, Middle East,The Far East and South America.
From 2015 the introduction in the markets of our new line of floor pads, Range 6, increased the sales of these products so much that Fibratesco was forced to stop the production of several other products to be able to meet the new requests of the markets for these pads.
Now Fibratesco is specialized in floor pads production and is studying the opportunity to have a second production plant of floor pads